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  • Unmasking Lady Helen: The Kinsey Family (The Kinsey Family Series Book 1) Page 19

Unmasking Lady Helen: The Kinsey Family (The Kinsey Family Series Book 1) Read online

Page 19

  The vicar cleared his throat, and the ceremony began.

  Zander had managed, walking slowly with great care, to hand over the ring. His duty done, he smiled his singularly sweet smile and scurried back to Mama.

  Her glove removed, Jason took her hand in his.

  “With this ring, I thee wed…”

  His gaze rested on her as he repeated: “With my body I thee worship...”

  Then the vicar spoke the final words, “I pronounce that they be man and wife…”

  Man and wife! Helen kissed her husband and smiled into his ardent green eyes.

  After the signing of the register, all was a blur. A wonderful rejoicing, thanking hundreds of guests for their blessings, picking at the rich, exotic foods while her mother urged her to eat. And trying not to drink too much champagne. The deep pride she felt when her father spoke in glowing terms of his eldest daughter. Then laughing with Jason as Harry, his bright blue eyes alight with mischief, described her failure to accomplish fly fishing, despite his supreme patience, and her auspicious beginnings as an equestrian, when the bad-tempered pony she had as a child threw her into a hedge. He ended with how she could add up sums when they played cards, faster than anyone he knew and, surprisingly, beat him once or twice at chess.

  Then the orchestra struck up, and Jason swept her expertly over the floor for the bridal waltz before everyone joined in.

  Now she stood once again in her bedroom, slightly dizzy, a married lady. Mary helped her dress as she became aware that she would soon say goodbye to everything she had known up until this moment. In the mirror, she was pleased with how smart she looked in her new celestial blue pelisse, the hat of spotted blue velvet adorned with a plume of ostrich feathers, her half-boots of lemon kid leather. A surge of excitement spun through her as she arranged her India shawl over her shoulders.

  The weather, which had been perfect all day, threatened rain. It would be some hours before she and Jason could be alone. He had invited Mary to travel with them rather than wait for his valet, who was to follow along later.

  Helen leaned out of the carriage window and waved a final goodbye to her family, dwarfed by Walcott’s six towering pillars as they gathered on the mosaic-tiled portico. Inside, the ballroom was still full of guests, some of whom would stay for several days.

  She sat back against the well-padded leather squabs while Jason held her hand, his warm gaze resting on her. Was he as she was, thinking of their wedding night?

  The carriage pulled away and rattled along the avenue of ancient gnarled trees. They had begun their four-hour journey to Surrey and Peyton Grove.


  The weather had turned the roads to mud and made the traveling difficult and slow. Dusk had fallen before the carriage passed through the tall, wrought-iron gates of Peyton Grove.

  “We’re here?” Helen left the comfort of his arm to peer through the window.

  “Pity your first glimpse of my home isn’t in daylight,” Jason said, “but you will see it tomorrow.”

  “I shall get up very early.”

  “I think not,” Jason said with a laugh in his voice.

  Helen was glad of the poor light, sure her face was crimson. Fortunately, Mary was intent on gathering together the things she had brought with her.

  The carriage lamps cast a small glow as the vehicle trundled along the drive through what appeared to be a large park.

  “After this next turn, we shall see the house,” Jason said.

  “I can’t wait,” she breathed. Even Mary pressed her nose to the window.

  The warm summer air was drenched with sweet perfumes from the garden. The house came into view on a slight rise. Smaller than Walcott and newer than Cherrywood, the cream stone walls of the three-story dwelling were covered in a white flowering creeper, the long windows alight with candles. Golden light spilled from the open front doors onto the columned portico.

  The tall, thin butler stepped forward. “Good evening, my lord.”

  “Helen, meet Russell, my indispensable butler. He and a few of the staff have come from London to serve us.”

  “Welcome, my lady.”

  “Thank you, Russell.” Helen liked the look of the man who had a kind face. The first hurdle over, she asked if Mary could be introduced to the staff and then directed upstairs to her bedroom.

  Russell bowed. “Certainly, Lady Peyton.”

  “We shall dine in an hour, Russell. Please advise Cook.”

  Jason took her hand and led her through the house. Drawing her along, her arm tucked in his, they walked from the gallery through the elegant blue drawing room and morning rooms to the dining room. He showed her, with some pride, his study, and the library, and they returned to climb the stairs to the bedrooms.

  Jason opened the door to the master suite decorated in gold and royal blue and then led her through a sitting room to her own bedroom, charmingly decorated in lilac and yellow floral wallpaper. He gathered her into his arms.

  His gaze was a soft caress. “Do you approve?”

  “Of your beautiful home, yes, very much. Of you, very much indeed.”

  “It’s your home, too, my sweet bride.”

  At Mary’s knock on the door, he drew away regretfully. “I’ll leave you to change, my love.”


  After dinner, they’d strolled in the perfumed, velvety night air until the time came for Helen to wait for him in her bedchamber. While Jason washed and cleaned his teeth, he cautioned himself to tread carefully tonight. He knew how to pleasure a woman and leave her satisfied. But his lovers were always experienced and knew how to take their own pleasure. Although Helen wasn’t technically a virgin, she might just as well be. He doubted she would have had more than a glimpse of an erect male, and never a naked one. And his body was already taut and eager to make love to her.

  He must summon patience, to make sure she was comfortable and confident, her passions aroused.

  Opening the door, he saw her propped up in bed, a welcoming, yet strained smile on her lips. He sat down on the bed in his dressing gown and raised her hand to his lips. “You look lovely with your hair down. That’s a pretty nightgown.”

  She put a hand to her bosom, reminding him that she wore nothing beneath it. “Yes, isn’t it? White lawn and lace are always so…”

  He undid buttons that hid her from him, planning to purchase her some nightgowns. Something filmier, less opaque. Red perhaps, Helen would look wonderful in red. Parting the ruffles, he leaned forward and kissed the throbbing pulse at the base of her throat. After her bath, her skin was dewy and warm and petal soft. She smelled of roses.

  “I want you so much,” he murmured.

  “Shall we snuff out the candles?”

  Jason was not about to let her hide from him. They must deal with her past here and now.

  “No, my love,” he said gently. He stood and undid the belt on his emerald green and black silk robe. Slipping out of it, he threw it on the bottom of the bed and stood naked before her.

  Helen’s gaze roamed appreciatively over him. “You are very decorative, Lord Peyton.”

  He laughed, pleased to find she wasn’t coy. He knew she wouldn’t be. But neither did she seem too nervous, and that reassured him.

  He pulled back the bedcovers. “Shall we remove this?”

  She helped him pull the nightgown over her head then lay back naked. She didn’t try to cover herself, but her eyes looked anxious as he gazed at her.

  “I knew you would be beautiful.”

  He braced himself on each side of her and leaned down to kiss her. “I’ll be gentle, Helen.”

  “I know.”

  When he settled half over her, she smiled. “I am so blessed, my darling.” Her fingers tangled in his hair then roamed across his back and down, as if exploring every muscle, bone, and sinew.

  He cupped her head, and his mouth sought hers, tasting her and breathing in her aroused womanly fragrance with a gasp of pleasure as passion and a desire to join
with her raged through him. He explored her full breasts and thumbed the pert brown nipples and, eliciting an excited gasp, lowered his head to suckle on each one.

  His hand slipped down to the heated place between her legs as he explored her body. He ravished her with his mouth, nibbling and licking as she moaned and shuddered until she was panting and ready for him.

  Then he slipped between her thighs and gently entered her with a loud groan.


  They made love again during the night, and two hours after the sun rose, she wakened and saw him sleeping beside her, one muscled arm thrown over his head. She leaned close and traced a finger across his strong jaw, the beginnings of a dark beard rasping beneath her touch. How exquisite the lovemaking was. She never expected it could be like this. Jason had been gentle and forceful, lithe, and strong. Under his clever hands and mouth, she was all sensation, her body vibrating, enraptured, the joining of their bodies so profound it brought tears to her eyes. Before sleep claimed them, they had talked about all manner of things, from her love of cooking to his penchant for poetry. Finally, she’d fallen asleep, her body melting with pleasurable exhaustion and a peacefulness she hadn’t known in years.

  He opened his green eyes and caught her hand, raising it to his lips. “How are you this morning, sweetheart?”

  “I shall be fine after you kiss me.”

  “Happy to oblige.” She giggled as he rolled her over and laid half on top of her. Skin to skin, as things grew heated, there was a knock at the door. Jason cursed and reached for his robe.

  Mary entered with a tray of hot chocolate for Helen and coffee for him.

  “Please tell your maid not to come until we ring for her,” he said grumpily after she’d left.

  Helen laughed. “Daylight is streaming in through the break in the curtains. I’m eager to see more of my beautiful new home. The park and gardens looked extensive.”

  “My grandfather planted a thousand trees, cedars, chestnuts, oaks, and pines, as well as some quite rare species. My grandmother created the rose arbor.” Jason took her empty cup from her and put it down on the table. As he gathered her up in his arms, a knock was followed by a shrill barking and scratching at the door. He sighed and called for the footman to enter.

  A small terrier ran across the carpet and leaped into Helen’s arms. “Bertie!” She cuddled the excited dog. “Oh, Jason. That was so thoughtful of you. I always worry that he might be pining for me. I can’t thank you enough.”

  Jason took the excited dog and dropped him gently to the floor. “I know of an excellent way to thank me.”


  Maggi lives with her husband a retired lawyer, in a quaint old town in the Southern Highlands of New South Wales, Australia. She has a BA in English and an MA in Creative Writing. When not creating stories, she reads, enjoys her garden, long walks and feeding the local wildlife. Her kookaburras (Australian Kingfishers) prefer to be hand fed.

  Maggi’s books and novellas are Amazon bestsellers in Regency, historical romance, and suspense. She has published more than 25 novels and novellas and writes in several genres, contemporary and historical romance, romantic suspense, and young adult novels.

  Maggi draws her inspiration from the novels of Jane Austen, Georgette Heyer and Victoria Holt.

  If you enjoyed Unmasking Lady Helen, The Kinsey Family, Book One, an honest review is always appreciated.

  Maggi loves to hear from readers. You can contact her through her website.

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  Where to find Maggi:

  Amazon Author Page: https://www.amazon.com/Maggi-Andersen/e/B003MJXQVG/

  Blog: http://www.maggiandersen.blogspot.com

  Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/maggiandersenauthor/



  Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/2786221.Maggi_Andersen

  Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/maggiandersen.com

  Maggi’s Backlist

  The Baxendale Sisters Regency Series

  Lady Honor’s Debt

  Lady Faith Takes a Leap

  Lady Hope and the Duke of Darkness

  The Seduction of Lady Charity

  The Scandalous Lady Mercy

  The Spies of Mayfair Regency Series

  A Dangerous Deception

  To Love a Spy

  A Secret Affair

  Standalone Historical Romances

  Diary of a Painted Lady

  The Reluctant Marquess

  How to Tame a Rake

  An Improper Earl

  Caroline and the Captain

  The Earl and the Highwayman’s Daughter

  Stirring Passions

  At the Earl’s Convenience

  The Reluctant Marquess

  Lord Bartholomew’s Christmas Bride

  The Duke’s Mysterious Lady

  Free Book

  Lady Honor’s Debt– The Baxendale Sisters Book One

  Contemporary Romantic Suspense

  Murder in Devon

  With Murderous Intent



  Castle’s Customs, and Kings: True Tales by English Historical Fiction Authors